After a gap of almost a decade after Oranbay 90 Ladies subsumed into the broader Maree/Oranmore fc since 2012,our club will field an Adult Ladies side in the forthcoming Galway and District League for season 2021/22.To assist the process Training continues every Wednesday from 8pm to 9pm on the Oranmore 3g pitch.In addition at the same time,same venue this Wednesday August 18th there will be a basic introductory coaching course for mothers of our girls players.This female only coaching course is designed for ladies with little or no knowledge of the game and hopefully will allay any fears as the club expands its female membership,our club can only expand its female section with female help.All mothers/Ladies are most welcome.This will then mean we will have female sides from u6 up to adult level.

Training for all our competitive sides both male and female will be well underway this week in preparation for the new season,training times and arrangements will be posted on our facebook page
.Our club are very proud of our u11 boys sides this past weekend,our two club squads namely Celtic and Athletic reached the Galway Cup semi finals with the Athletic side reaching the Kevin Power Cup final narrowly loosing to Salthill Devon in the decider in Eamonn Deacy Park on Sunday.
Special thanks to club volunteers Niall Mc Bride,Ross Melville,Dave Barrett,Eamonn Caulfield and others who put in so much work with the large u11 squad.They will now be preparing for next seasons u12 Leagues.We wish them well.

Our club organised Brampton soccer camp in Caulfield Park and Maree New pitches last week was a major success with close 150 in attendance.Thanks to all our coaches and volunteers who made the camp run so smoothly and to all the camp participants for their exemplorary behaviour.The club prior to this in July hosted two FAI camps to cater for the large demand locally.

Our club once more this season hope to field 4 adult sides Premier,our B team were promoted to Division 2 ,U21(Holders) and Reserve. The u21s will be anxious to retain their crown in an expanded 10 team League. The important Adult Premier squad will compete in a 12 team League with promotion/relegation based on a similar format to the League of Ireland.
This is in addition to a plethora of underage sides both boys and girls. All our boys sides play Premier Football and for the developing players they are also catered for, if you are interested in joining our coaching Team text 087 9806489.
We hope to resume our younger Academy Training(u6 to u10 boys and girls) on Saturday September 11th in Maree and Oranmore.
We welcome new players especially in the Maree and Oranmore areas to join our community based club.